Central collection and publication of electricity generation, transportation and consumption data and information for the pan-European market.

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About ENTSO-E Transparency Platform

The European Commission, regulators and market participants alike recognise the central and vital role that increased European market transparency plays in the completion of the Internal Energy Market - an open and transparent market for all.

ENTSOE-E and its Members fully support market transparency, and have been proactively developing and delivering market data and information on a voluntary basis since 2007.

As the next step on 5 January 2015, and in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 on the submission and publication of data in electricity markets, ENTSO-E launched a new central transparency platform: the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform.

ENTSO-E Transparency Platform replaces entsoe.net and will publish as much as three times more data across six main categories: Load, Generation, Transmission, Balancing, Outages and Congestion Management.

The information provided through the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform is used by a wide range of organisations and people across Europe: from energy generators and suppliers to traders, analysts and academics. ENTSO-E looks forward to having you as one of its Registered Users and hopes that the information found on the platform will meet your needs and expectations.

Once you have registered your account, please visit the various pages for information on how to use the platform: New Users, Registered Users and FAQs. Please also take the time to read through the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Should you encounter any problems while using the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform, have a question or wish to provide feedback, please send an email to: transparency@entsoe.eu

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